Thursday, August 30, 2012

Student of the Month

I am the featured student of the month at my yoga studio, Gratitude Yoga. I answered some questions for the newsletter and I wanted to share what I wrote with you.

About me:
I am from San Antonio and moved to Mansfield over a year ago to attend physician assistant school at UNT Health Science Center. I am married and have two cats. Besides yoga, I love to read, play the piano and travel.

What brought you to Gratitude Yoga?
Several years ago I was in a car accident and broke my back. I had been having a lot of pain due to two bulging disks and my doctor recommended yoga to help. I had never done any yoga or even seen anyone do yoga when I came to Gratitude in January. 

How has yoga impacted your life?
Yoga has completely changed my life. Before yoga, I was suffering from pain on a daily basis. Now I rarely, if ever have pain. I feel so much stronger and more flexible. Along with the physical benefits, yoga really helps me to relax, feel less stressed and be happy. I have so much fun, if you are in a class with me more often than not I am laughing.

Advice for other students:
Enjoy and celebrate your practice. I love yoga because it’s not a sport or competition. It’s a moving, breathing practice. Every day it’s different, some days the simplest poses are very challenging and other days I am able to do things I never thought possible.  

Acro yoga fun

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