Monday, August 13, 2012

Plan B

I am only starting the fourth week of this semester and I am not sure how I am going to survive. I have already had two midterms and one final. I have already forgotten to turn in a homework assignment (which has never ever happened to me) I have already lost five pounds due to stress. I think it might be a good time to evaluate my plan B.

A few weeks ago I was talking with some friends at school about what we would be doing if we weren't in PA school. I said I would join whale wars. I have been thinking about it and I think I can make a pretty good case. First, I LOVE whales, specifically humpback whales. I think most people feel a strong connection with a particular animal and this one is mine. Their size alone is enough to take your breath away. They are such gentle creatures, they just eat small fish and plankton. They jump. They sing!  The first rule of being on whale wars is to agree that you would give your life to save one whale. I think I can handle that. I don't think I would want to be on THE whale wars, just a similar, more effective, expedition. The main obvious problem is that I hate the cold, but I think in Antarctica, I would get used to it.

Before PA school, my back up plan was to get a masters degree in toxicology and maybe a phd. I would love to study environmental toxins. But if I failed out of grad school, I think I would like to take a sabbatical from academia and go on an adventure.

Last year when the mother and baby gray whales got trapped in the Klamath River in California I cried. If you don't remember, the baby escaped but the mother died. The following pics are from the event. 

Here is a humpback whale. No one is sure why they jump.


  1. So does this mean Sean and I will go hunt pirates?

  2. Take a breath every once and a while! Hugs!

  3. Thanks Melinda! And the answer to your question Long is YES!

  4. Just realized that was you Paula :-) your pics are so similar. Thanks!
