Monday, August 6, 2012

Nature's Art

I recently finished a book, Peony in Love by Lisa See, that takes place in Hangzhou, China. Hangzhou is one of the cities Taylor and I visited on our tour. In the book, the main character describes this art that is just sliced marble and the product is what looks like a landscape. I actually took a picture of one while we there.

If you look closely it's a moon above the mountains and then the bottom is a reflection of the mountains in water.

The main character in the book lived right on the shore of West Lake in Hangzhou. They pulled these giant rocks out of the bottom of the lake and used them to decorate the gardens. They look like sculptures. No one could tell me how they got them off the bottom of the lake hundreds of years ago.

West Lake

This was my favorite rock. I think it looks like two people embracing.


  1. You should go! We went through a Chinese travel agency and it was dirt cheap. Flights, 5 star hotels, visa, transportation and all meals was 1400 per person.
