Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentines Week

When Taylor and I were dating, we started a tradition of making a romantic dinner at home for Valentines Day. This year Valentines happened to fall on the night before my pharmacology test. The amount of time required for this class can only be compared to o-chem, if you have ever had to suffer through that. So with all my studying, I was a pretty bad wife this year. But of course,Taylor swooped in and saved the holiday. He made a wonderful dinner of grilled ribeye steaks with an onion cream sauce and roasted asparagus. The steak recipe is from the Pioneer Woman. We had tried it once before and he knew I loved it.
After I managed to recover from my pharm test, I made Taylor a peanut butter pie. I have always hated peanut butter in deserts. I can eat a pb&j every day, but I just don't like it in cookies or pies. Taylor has always had a soft spot for these kind of deserts and he loved it. Now this wasn't just any peanut butter pie, the crust was crushed Oreos followed by a layer of chocolate and crushed peanuts (recipe).


My hero

This Valentines Day I chose to rock the "just got out of bed" look

Our new cat condo arrived this week.


  1. also I need to get my cats one of those kitty tree houses...

  2. You do! They love it. I got it on amazon and it had free shipping. This is the one I got
