Saturday, February 11, 2012

Car Accident

I am just fine. I totaled my car yesterday and spent the day in the emergency room but now I am just really sore. Here's the story:

"When it rains, it pours." On Friday, February 10th, 2012 it poured. This is going to have to be two part post to tell all the grief and heartache I experienced on this day. On my way to school, a truck decided to dodge across three lanes to turn right and I crashed into him. Now first I have to try and explain the deep love I have for my '91 Mercedes. My dad drove that car up and gave it to me on my 19th birthday. It has been with me ever since. I was actually planning on writing a post about my car, as we were coming up on 200,000 miles. My husband had tried to convince me several times to get a newer car and I always refused. I told him we were keeping it forever. I planned to completely restore it once I was working.
So as I was slamming on my breaks right before crashing all I could think about was how to protect my car. (sadly, this is not a joke)  Then it was over, I got out to survey the damage and I immediately broke down. I continued crying hysterically through the whole process, Taylor came, the police showed up, the tow truck came. I could tell the police felt really bad but I was too embarrassed to tell them I was so upset because of my car.
My sister then talked me into going and getting checked out by a doctor. We went to a nearby emergency clinic. I had a lot of back, neck and abdominal pain. The doctor ran a urine test which came back abnormal so she sent me to the emergency room. We then spent the day there. They took more samples and sent me to get a CT. Everything came back fine and I am now just really sore.  I am very thankful that I am healthy and wasn't injured in the accident.
I am normally not a sentimental person when it comes to possessions. It actually annoys Taylor that I always throw everything away. The only things in my life I am sentimental about is my car and my wedding pictures. I could live without everything else. My family is coming to visit in two weeks and we are going to go get the drivers seat and the hood ornament from the Mercedes. I know I am crazy but when I think about not being able to sit and smell the old leather in of my car I just start crying. I think I just have so many good memories with that car, it has been with me through so much and I loved everything about it. I would not have sold it for any amount of money and I cannot imagine ever loving any car as much.


  1. So sorry about your car, Emily. I'm glad you were not hurt though. Love you lots!

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