Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NOLA Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving Taylor and I went to New Orleans. We had such a wonderful time. We spent Thanksgiving day with my mom's family which was really special. I never met my grandfather and my grammie passed away almost six years ago. My Aunt Dot who is really my grandma's cousin, grew up with my grandma and is so much like her, a real spitfire (as are most of the women in the family). Her husband "Uncle John" is so sweet (as are most of the men in the family to be able put up with us spitfires) and together they tell the greatest stories. Thanksgiving day was spent with all of their family and everyone had such a good time. There were tears all around when it was over. For the rest of our trip Taylor and I explored the French Quarter. Since this was Taylor's first time in New Orleans, my number one goal was for Taylor to fall in love with the city, just as I had. I believe our trip was a success!


Can you spot the rooster in the tree?

We are standing under the rooster.

After the feast, we walked down the street to Lake Pontchartrain

St Louis Cathedral, where my Grammie was baptized and went to church.

Who wouldn't love this city?

Occupy New Orleans

1 comment:

  1. oh my word. I miss you and your family! Tell them I said hi and give them big hugs for me!! Love you Emily!
