Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Deli Boy

When I first met Taylor he was a manager at Gandolfo's New York Deli in Provo. Anyone who has lived there remembers this great sandwich shop. We would always go out after Taylor got off work and he would always smell like deli. I don't quite know how to explain the smell  but if you ever find yourself in Provo, go down to the basement of Gandolfos and you will smell it. I use to tease him about it and call him "deli boy" but secretly I LOVED it. Just the thought of the smell makes me smile. About a month ago we ran into the new owner of Gandolfos in the Dallas/Fort Worth area at a charity event. He and Taylor ended up talking for over an hour and last week Taylor accepted a job offer. Taylor will be starting at Gandolfos at the beginning of January. I am so excited to have my deli boy back. This is such a wonderful opportunity and I so him proud of him. This past month he has been working full time at Vivint, part time at Gandolfos (trial run) and has been going to school full time. (I know he is crazy) On top of everything, he has been keeping the house together and been so supportive of me. I am such a lucky girl.


  1. Love your blog Emily! This post is cute - you and Taylor are lucky to have each other.
