Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's Gone!

Day 108: I am happy to announce the picture is gone!
So here is the story, at the beginning of most medical professional schools each student receives a white coat. It is like a backwards graduation. The ceremony came and passed. I was very excited to start school and meet all my future classmates. However, before I could carefully plan my first impression, a picture of me (there were 400 other new students mind you) receiving my white coat was featured on the school's front page. Most of my introductions went something like this:
Me: "Hello I'm Emily"
Student: "Are you the girl from the website?"
Me: "Yes...awkward silence" so I began to fill the silence with "Yes...would you like my autograph?" Not sure which is worse.
Besides ruining my first impressions it also lessened my chances of flying under the radar with my professors. Especially when my cute little anatomy professor told me it was "a very nice picture." It is safe to say I didn't even enjoy my 15 min of fame on campus but now 108 days later it has been removed and I can surf the schools website in peace. Here it is, one last time, for those of you who didn't get to see it.

1 comment:

  1. HA!! That's awesome...that you were on the site and that it's gone now :)
