Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sister Fest

As often as we can my sister, Sarah, and I like to have sister fests. These usually are a fun filled day of sister time, shopping, good food and sometimes a sleep over where we like to stay up all night talking. Today we started by getting our hair cuts together. Then my sister thought it would be great fun to buy crickets for my cats to play with and eat. I know, it sounds horrifying, but lots of her friends do it and as a dedicated cat mom I gave in. Turns out, cats really like to eat crickets. As soon as we put some out Bella started drooling a lot. Moby couldn't resist eating them to enjoy playing with them for very long. It turned out well, but you have to buy 36 crickets at a time. So now there are about 30 crickets in a box, in a closet, in the spare bathroom so I won't be able to hear the chirping (it makes my skin crawl). We already have another sister fest planned for next Saturday, we have tickets to a fashion warehouse sale and then a wii dance party throw down!

New Hair

Do we look alike?


Trying to figure out how to get to the crickets.

Dinner time

1 comment:

  1. Love the twin haircuts! Rofl about the cats & the crickets!
