Monday, January 23, 2012

Chinese New Year

In honor of the Chinese New Year, I decided to take a trip down memory lane to our tour of China last year. We really fell in love with China during our trip. I would love to live in Beijing if we ever get the chance. We went with a tour group out of Los Angeles and all of the people on the tour were first or second generation Americans. They were Chinese, Vietnames and Tawainese. (so we always had a least three tour guides speaking in different languages). The diversity in our group also provided us a great deal of insight into the history of China, we got to hear all sides of it. The people in China were so kind and friendly.  They also tell the most wonderful stories. Everywhere we went, we heard lots of great stories about each place and artifact we saw. It was quite a unique experience because many of the people in China idealize caucasians and were very excited to see us. It was especially hard to blend in with a husband who is over a foot taller than anyone we saw in China, and the blonde hair didn't help either. I could write a novel on our trip but pictures are much more fun.

We went straight to the great wall after arriving in Beijing

Shopping in Beijing

Tiananmen Square

The Forbidden City

Next we flew from Beijing to Shanghai


Then we took a bullet train to Nanjing

Confucius Temple

Nanjing city wall. The brick makers had to put their name and address on each brick they made. If it fell apart, they were killed

West Lake in Suzhou

Garden in Wuxi

Loved these kids in our tour group

Gondola ride in Wuzhen (the Venice of China)

Tea Plantation in Hangzhou

Buddhist temple in Shanghai

World Expo

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