Monday, January 16, 2012


Taylor and I decided early on in our marriage that when it came to chores and tasks we should each stick with our individuals strengths. Taylor's area of expertise lies in electronics, cars and cleaning up the house. (I get way to distracted with the organization of everything and I usually end up just making a bigger mess) My strengths lies in handy work, earlier this week Taylor asked me to call the apt office because the drain in our bathroom was clogged. I got out the tools and went to work fixing it before he got home from work. To me it seemed easier to just fix it then call someone else. We recently purchased a dresser and I honestly couldn't wait to put it together. I just love following the directions and putting together all the pieces. I think it satisfies the minor OCD I seem to have. Growing up, one of my favorite things about Christmas was putting together my little brothers lego sets. So yes, getting a new piece of furniture is kind of like getting a toy. I greatly enjoyed putting it together this week, I even used a whole bottle of wood glue to make sure it lasts a long time.
Things have been very exciting with Taylor working at his new job. A news station in Dallas hired Gandolfos deli to run a food truck as part of their morning news segment called the daybreaker. Taylor was on the news each time they did a segment. They took last week off since the host was out of town but they continued running commercials that you could see Taylor in. He will be back on the news this week and Taylor tells me the news station will compile all the footage and I hope to get a copy. If I get my hands on it, I will be sure to post some. Happy MLK day!

Daybreaker and Gandolofo's Food Trucks

Bella helping weigh part of the dresser down so the glue would stick.

 Finished product


  1. Awesome. I love that you guys focused on your strengths and that you love to fix too!! Well, I don't know about the clogged drain, but I have always liked to put things together.
