Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year

"This is going to be my year!" is what my sister likes to say every New Years. I guess I am a little less optimistic, being in school and with my parents going through a divorce but I am trying to make improvements and have a better year. So far this week I have attended my new yoga class and volunteered so I am off to a good start. Health and fitness is a big new years resolution for me. Over the break my spine doctor took a look at my MRIs and told me that I have two bulging disks in my lower back. He said some good core strengthening could really reduce my pain and I should be fine for many more years.
New Years Eve was pretty quiet for me. Taylor was working at the Big D NYE where 30,000 people gather in downtown Dallas to celebrate New Years Eve. He didn't get home until almost 5:00 am. I just stayed home and curled up with my cats, which is what I needed after my busy break. Last New Years Eve was much more exciting. We were almost done with our tour in China and on New Years Eve we took a cruise down the Huangpu river in Shanghai. It was so beautiful and I will never forget it.
So much happened last year which is probably why I am a little apprehensive about 2012. But looking back there were a lot of great adventures too. We had two big moves, one from Utah to San Antonio, TX and another from San Antonio to Dallas. I got in and started PA school. We adopted Bella, our kitten. We traveled through China and spent our anniversary in Jamaica. We also got to take trips to New Orleans and Utah. Here's to 2012! I hope everyone had a happy New Years.

Taylor's New Years Eve

My New Years Eve

 New Years Eve 2011


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