Monday, October 24, 2011

Gunshot or Can of Biscuits?

Since I have been struggling lately, my mom decided to send me some motivational books on tape to listen to on my way to school each morning. One of the stories on these tapes really hit home for me and I found myself laughing so hard I cried and maybe peed a little. Here is the story. Enjoy!
       "A friend e-mailed me this story, about a twenty-three-year-old woman who supposedly had a wild experience after going to the grocery store. She returned to her car and put the groceries in the backseat. Then, just as she sat down behind the wheel she heard a loud noise and felt something hit the back of her head. She thought she had been shot.
      She reached up and felt what she thought were her brains coming out. She was so shocked, she passed out. Minutes later, she woke up but still she was afraid to move. She sat there motionless for over an hour, holding the back of her head because she was afraid of losing more brain tissue.
      Finally, a gentleman walked by and noticed that something was wrong. He called the police. The patrol officers showed up and asked her to open the car door. She said she couldn't. She said she'd been shot and she was holding her brains in.
      The police broke open the window and discovered a pressurized can of Pillsbury biscuits had exploded. That dough had hit the back of her head. She'd felt it and thought it was her brains!"
From It's Your Time by Joel Olsteen

So next time you feel like something terrible has happened, as in my case a bad anatomy test, ask yourself have I been shot or been hit in the head with a can of biscuits?

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