Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cat Mom

My husband and I got our first cat during Christmas 2008. We had flown from Utah to Texas to spend the holidays with my family. It was the first cold day in San Antonio and we heard a terrible, awful, horrible noise coming from across the street. We found a young cat who obviously was not enjoying the cold weather. (I should have known right then we were soul mates) We took the cat into my parents house and it turned out to be the sweetest thing. It was about six months old and had no home. Naturally, we flew him back with us to Utah where we proceeded to move because our current apartment would not let us have him. What can I say? We had fallen in love. We named him Moby and he has been apart of our family ever since.
About a year ago we stayed with my family for a while and our cat really bonded with their cat. Once we moved up to Fort Worth, Moby really began to act out and let us know he was not a happy camper. (he would chew all our electrical cords, shoes, glasses etc.) He needed a friend especially with me in school all day and Taylor working and going to school. Moby is a very social cat and if left alone too long will howl until we get complaints from the neighbors. So three months ago, we went and rescued a baby girl we named Bella. They were instant best friends. They are completely inseparable. I have been taking Bella to the vet to get all her shots and she absolutely hates riding in the car. Moby happens to love it, so on our last trip I came up with the brilliant idea to take Moby with us and Bella was much more calm and happy, lucky for me. After days like that, I think I might just be capable of having offspring. Where as other days (like when I accidentally leave one in the closet all day) I have second thoughts.
Warning: The cuteness might make you explode.
Baby Moby

Baby Bella


No I never pose my cats...maybe tried but it's impossible.

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