Sunday, March 31, 2013


It has been a whirlwind of a week. We got back from Paris last Sunday night and Taylor and I both hit the ground running first thing Monday morning.  Despite the exhaustion and jet lag, I managed to pass my CPR and Advanced Cardiac Life Support classes this week and I am ready for my clinical rotations to start tomorrow. On top of my classes this week, Friday night was a party for my class to commemorate leaving campus and starting rotations. As the school activity chair, I have been planning this party for months. All the final details came together and the party was a success.

Now that I have found some time to blog, I wanted to share some of the highlights of our trip. We spent seven days in Madrid and it was definitely my favorite city.

Arriving at the Atocha train station.

Train Station from the outside

Our first stop in Madrid for some porras and chocolate. We look so tired because we are!

The center of Spain.

The Royal Palace

Museo del Prado, Spain's National Art Museum. Took us 2 visits to get through it all.

They had several artists copying paintings so you could watch the process and see how much the colors have faded over time.

All the almond trees were in bloom.

During the day, Taylor and I would be tourists and at night we would go back to his family's house on the outskirts of the city and live like locals. We would go to dinner at the local restaurants and do some grocery shopping.

Spain is the world's largest producer of olive oil so we set up our own tasting.

 Couldn't get enough doner kebobs.

So excited for the Reina Sofia modern art museum.

Taylor trying to figure out modern art. Our conversation went like this:
Taylor: "I just don't get it."
Me: "Don't try and understand it, just think about how it makes you feel."
Taylor: "It makes me feel stupid because I don't get it."

Picasso's Guernica was incredible

There were so many Picasso's. I loved it!

A Real Madrid game at Bernabeu stadium

Waiting for the train home.

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