Sunday, April 7, 2013

Northern Spain Road Trip

About halfway through our stay in Madrid we left with Taylor's family and the study abroad students on a three day trip through Northern Spain. 

Our first stop was Avila.


Driving through Northern Spain was beautiful, we traveled through the snowy mountains and less than an hour later I took the next picture.

 Next we went to Salamanca, another one of my favorite cities. This was the view from our hotel room.

Salamanca University is the third oldest university in Europe. All of the books in this library were hand written.

When they remodeled the cathedral they wanted something from the 20th century included. On the top of the left column there is an astronaut.

This is where the movie vantage point was filmed. In the movie you see this building blown up. I am happy to report it is still standing.

And here it is at night.

The next day was Taylor's birthday!! First we stopped at this old city, Castrillo de los Polvazares (no I can't pronounce this)

Next we stopped in Astorga. We went through a chocolate museum, had lunch and then hopped back on the bus.

We finally arrived in Leon. Here we are resting our feet before exploring the city.

We found a Texas boot store in Leon!!

Hanging with Gaudi the architect.

This is the Leon Cathedral, famous for having one the best stained glass collections in the world.

Celebrating my hubby's birthday!!

This guy was using this puppet to play music on the violin. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was.

The next day on our way back to Madrid we stopped at this castle.

On the home front, I just finished my first week of clinical rotations and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying surgery. Even though I am working long hours,7 days a week, feeling so exhausted and sore at the end of the day, I love it. And after a rainy, cold week, the sun has started coming out and it seems like spring is finally here. I came across these tulips yesterday.

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