Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Ham Thief

There is something I have done that has been weighing on my mind and I must confess. When I was down in San Antonio visiting my family before Christmas, my mom was terribly sick with the stomach flu. She had signed up to make the ham for her church's Christmas party so I told her I would take care of it while she rested. The church had purchased the ham and someone brought it over to the house. I made a delicious glaze, cooked the ham and delivered it to the Christmas party. I felt great about the good deed I had done until two days later when I went to put some groceries away and discovered a whole fridge full of ham. I had cooked one package of ham but there was more than 30 pounds of ham was still sitting in our fridge. I accidentally stole the Christmas ham...and from a church! I am Mr. Scrooge and the Grinch who stole Christmas combined. Honestly, I was somewhat horrified and also could not stop laughing. But the least I could do was make sure it didn't go to waste. Over the break, I made holiday ham, ham casseroles, ham and eggs, we gave away some ham. I'm still not sure how I didn't notice all that ham the first night but I was relieved when I found out that there was plenty of food at the Christmas party, if not an abundance of ham.

Who would have thought this little angel would grow up to be a ham thief?

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