Tuesday, December 18, 2012

'Tis the Season

I have been busy enjoying my break from school, filling the days with all my favorite things. It is absolutely wonderful to be out of school. More great news, I am officially half way done with PA school!! I only have 10 weeks left in the classroom and then I will be in clinical rotations for a year.

With Christmas quickly approaching, this is always the craziest and most stressful time of year, but I still love the season. We discovered the coolest Christmas light park not far from our apartment called Prairie Lights. I would definitely recommend it for those in the DFW.

Bundled up and ready to go!

My guys.

I came down to San Antonio to spend time with the fam.

Max's Christmas Recital

Facetime with Moby. I'm cray cray.

I also wanted to share the greatest Christmas poem ever that my sister wrote. It is truly magical and she won a contest at a bookstore. Just dial 855-HPB-FONE (855-472-3663) and press 2 for a reading of the poem.

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