Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Before we leave town for Thanksgiving, I wanted to share my "5 things I'm thankful for". I think this list goes without saying but sometimes you need to say it anyway.

I am thankful for this guy. He has been so supportive of me in PA school, even when school makes me crazy. He has been working insanely hard and been so successful at his job. I am so proud of him!

I am thankful for family, no matter the distance that separates us, I love them all.

Utah family

Louisiana family

I am thankful for my kitties. They are always by my side while I'm studying, making it more bearable.

I am thankful to be in PA school. Despite all my complaining, I am really looking forward to being a PA. It will provide me with a great opportunity to help people and make a difference.

Some days we actually manage to have some fun at school. In our health promotion/disease prevention class, we learned about teaching patients how to use protection. I was in a blind condom race and I'm proud to say I lost.

I am thankful for my yoga practice. It's almost been a year since I started and my life has been so blessed by it and all the wonderful people at Gratitude Yoga.

The great thing about listing what you're thankful for is that once you start, it's hard to stop. I am grateful for my health, my friends, I am lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life. I am thankful for books, that it is the end of November and I am wearing flip flops and running the air conditioning. (it was 80 degrees today!) I am thankful for sunsets, even though they happen every day, they still have the power to stop me in my tracks and take my breath away, make me pause a moment and recognize a power far greater than myself. They put things into perspective for me, making me realize how insignificant my problems are. All you have to do is look.

I took this one last night.


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