Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I have to introduce the new addition to our home, a piano!  I have played piano for about as long as I can remember. In college at BYU, it was never hard to find one of their 400+ pianos to use. But since being in PA school, I haven't been able to play. I am beyond ecstatic about it. I gathered all my old music but my poor fingers are so weak, I don't get very far before my arms start cramping up on me. I am making my way through all the Hanon exercises to get my hands back in shape.

Isn't she beautiful? I named her Ariel. Yes, after the Little Mermaid. It seemed appropriate because that movie was one my first musical inspirations. My mom loves to tell the story that I had the whole movie memorized at age 2. I was constantly signing all the songs whether I was riding in the car or standing on a chair in a restaurant or airport for all to hear. (my sister likes to remind me this behavior did not cease until I was12) Some days, I would refuse to answer to my name and insisted on being called Ariel.

The cats were pretty excited about it too.

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