Thursday, September 27, 2012


This past Labor Day weekend marked seven years since my car accident. Every year on labor day, I say a prayer and thank God for my life, my health and my legs but I suppose those are thinks you should be thankful for everyday. School has been so tough especially this last month and graduation in May 2014 seems like a long ways away. I started thinking back to what I went through after my car accident.

I was on my way to a tennis tournament when my car hydroplaned. My head hit the window and I was knocked unconscious. Then my foot hit the gas and eventually I crashed into a tree. I broke my sacrum and L5 vertebrae, crushed my pelvis and injured my knee. My sacrum had fractures on both sides so my doctor was worried about the bones shifting and severing my spinal cord. I was put on strict bed rest for five months. I couldn't stand up, I couldn't ride in a car, I couldn't shower, I couldn't go upstairs to my own bedroom, I couldn't even wheel myself to the bathroom in my wheelchair.  Those five months went by so slow for me. Now I can't even stand being cooped up in my apartment for one day. But as I am writing this, I realize that PA school is not nearly so bad. If I could make it through then, surely I can do this now. As hard as the experience was, it gave me a new perspective and helped me to overcome other obstacles in my life. I'm a survivor. (cue Destiny's Child)

I was lucky that my seat broke and shifted to the back preventing my legs from being crushed.

Max was my best bud, he really helped me out. The only exception is my parents got me a door bell so I could could ring it when I needed something and when Max would get sick of it, he would hide it somewhere so no one could hear it.

My parents got me Millie to help keep me company. Basset puppies are the cutest.