Wednesday, July 18, 2012

RIP Grandpa Knapp

Taylor's grandfather passed away this past Friday.  I am so sad that Taylor and I could not make it out for the funeral today. All of my grandparents passed away many years ago so I was very happy when I married Taylor and inherited his wonderful and loving grandparents. My favorite memory of Grandpa Knapp is from our wedding reception in Utah. Even though our reception was at the end of May, it snowed that day and was below freezing at our outdoor reception. Grandpa Knapp was so kind to give me his jacket to keep warm. I will always remember Grandpa Knapp being so loving, kind and having a great sense of humor. He was always a man that could laugh at his own jokes.

Wearing his jacket

 Taylor visit this past March when Grandpa Knapp was first diagnosed with lymphoma.

Grandpa Knapp was always so proud of Taylor

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