Friday, July 20, 2012

Puppy Love

Last week I fell in love. It was by accident, I wasn't planning to, it just happened. I tried to fight it but she was just too cute. The conversation with Taylor went like this:

Me: Cute picture message of puppy
Taylor: Oh no. What kind of breed is that?
Me: Half chihuahua and half cocker spaniel. She is just the sweetest thing.
Taylor: Add it to the list.
Me: What list?
Taylor: The list of dogs we will never own
Me: :-(

My mom had rescued the puppy so I brought it back to the DFW and took it to my sister's house. Less than 24 hours later, my sister found the perfect home for puppy. I was disappointed and sad at first but we did the right thing. Taylor and I are both gone way too much. One day when the time is right, I hope to find love again.

We drove the whole way to Dallas like this.

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