Monday, July 23, 2012

1,000 Words

I just joined instagram and have really been enjoying it. I definitely prefer the newsfeed of just pictures to all the junk that is taking over facebook. If you are on you can find me as ecesunshine.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Puppy Love

Last week I fell in love. It was by accident, I wasn't planning to, it just happened. I tried to fight it but she was just too cute. The conversation with Taylor went like this:

Me: Cute picture message of puppy
Taylor: Oh no. What kind of breed is that?
Me: Half chihuahua and half cocker spaniel. She is just the sweetest thing.
Taylor: Add it to the list.
Me: What list?
Taylor: The list of dogs we will never own
Me: :-(

My mom had rescued the puppy so I brought it back to the DFW and took it to my sister's house. Less than 24 hours later, my sister found the perfect home for puppy. I was disappointed and sad at first but we did the right thing. Taylor and I are both gone way too much. One day when the time is right, I hope to find love again.

We drove the whole way to Dallas like this.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I just discovered a wonderful and ridiculous sport call whirlyball. It is a combination of basketball, lacrosse and hockey while riding bumper cars. This sport is not just for kids, plenty of adults play it too, as evident by the alcoholic beverages served before whirlyball begins. Apparently no drinking and driving does not apply to driving bumper cars. Seriously though, find a whirlyball court near you. If you can't find one, that is another reason to come visit me in the DFW.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

The court before the epic battle began.

You use the racquet to scoop up the ball and shoot it into the basket.

Winners! After seven intense games, the girls took home the championship whirlyball title.

The losing team.

 Happy Birthday Long!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

RIP Grandpa Knapp

Taylor's grandfather passed away this past Friday.  I am so sad that Taylor and I could not make it out for the funeral today. All of my grandparents passed away many years ago so I was very happy when I married Taylor and inherited his wonderful and loving grandparents. My favorite memory of Grandpa Knapp is from our wedding reception in Utah. Even though our reception was at the end of May, it snowed that day and was below freezing at our outdoor reception. Grandpa Knapp was so kind to give me his jacket to keep warm. I will always remember Grandpa Knapp being so loving, kind and having a great sense of humor. He was always a man that could laugh at his own jokes.

Wearing his jacket

 Taylor visit this past March when Grandpa Knapp was first diagnosed with lymphoma.

Grandpa Knapp was always so proud of Taylor


Last year at this time, we came from family with loving parents who had been married for 31 years.


Today is the one year anniversary of the day my nuclear family ended.  We've all lost a lot . . . but instead of listing out my grievances and complaints, I want to pay tribute to the family we were, the memories we made, and the life we shared when we were together.


Waiting for Max to be crowned the King of Fiesta

Thanksgiving at Disney World

Grand Cayman

Spurs Game

Midway, UT

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cutie Pie

So anyone that knows me well can probably guess that Taylor has to deal with more than his fair share of embarrassment. From my dancing habits (it is perfectly acceptable to bust a move in public), to how I chose to listen to my music, such as belting out my favorite glee soundtrack in an invisible microphone or blasting rap music with the windows rolled down. Taylor likes to say I have no shame, which is mostly true. So I figured after six years with me, what's a little more embarrassment? I came across these pics today. Enjoy!


So Mischievous 

Such a good older brother.

Getting his Eagle scout
