Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day

This year's Mother's Day was a blast. My sister and I both went to San Antonio (rarely happens) and my Uncle Guy came to visit too. It was a full house, filled with lots of laughter. Max recently turned 12, so he got ordained at church. We also celebrated my birthday since we were all together. I was actually born on Mother's Day, so it seemed appropriate. My mom reminds me every year that I was the best Mother's Day present she has ever recieved. (ok, maybe some years she had her doubts)

I really am so lucky to have such a wonderful mom. She is always there for me with great wisdom and advice. She is so supportive of me and I don't know what I would do without her. I really hope she knows how much I love and appreciate her. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Mother's Day Breakfast

I was so happy to have captured this special moment

We love Unlce G!

The quickest way to my heart is with some chocolate covered strawberries.

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