Sunday, May 27, 2012

9 lives

My cat just survived going through the washer. I was on my way out when I started the laundry and came home about an hour later. I heard Moby crying and I found him soaking wet in the washer.  I rushed him to the emergency vet and they checked him out and said he was a little hypothermic but just fine. It really took longer for them to calm me down then to attend to Moby. We are home now, he is curled up on the heating pad and I am listening to his breathing to make sure he didn't inhale any water. We have a front load washer that doesn't fill all the way up with water. Luckily, the washer had stopped itself after about 30 minutes before the spin cycle. The vet said he had never seen a cat go through the washer before, usually it is the dryer and I have never seen Moby in the washer before. I also have to mention that Bella was very upset. She was all puffed up because she knew from Moby's cries there was danger. I feel like an absolute, terrible human being. I do not deserve to be a cat mom. We rescued Moby off the street on Christmas Eve 2008 in San Antonio. I instantly fell in love. So much so that we flew him back to Utah with us and moved because our current apartment did not allow pets. Moby is my baby but right now I feel like he deserves so much better. He definitely lost at least one of his nine lives today.

This is from when was when we first got him

He loves his belly rubbed

1 comment:

  1. sooo glad he's okay!!!!
    I've had a few close calls with both my cats and I always end up hysterical. Kitties just are easy to get attached to!
