Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It feels so good to be done with my first year PA school. Two years from now I will be graduating. It has been the two craziest semesters of my life but I live to tell the tale. My biggest obstacle was definitely pharmacology.  I haven't been so happy to be done with a class since the end of organic chemistry lab (see below). A little background on this pic, I decided to take the ochem lab during the summer, meaning you take the course in twice the time. It was also one of my last classes before graduating. I was in the lab almost every day including six hours on Fridays. Plus you had to do make up labs if you didn't do it right the first time (which was always the case). On top of that, there was an insane amount of homework, quizzes and tests. It was basically a full time job. I managed to capture one of the happiest moments of my life and now every time I am not sure if I am going to make it through school, I look at this picture for motivation. 

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