Thursday, April 26, 2012


I recieved my bachelors degree at BYU, in Environmental Science.  Every semester, my schedule was full of classes such as air quality, environmental biology, soil science, environmental law, ecology, etc. Most days I left class feeling completely disappointed in people and all the ways we are destroying the environment and ourselves (if interested, read Collapse by Jared Diamond) I believe it was my second semester of freshman year when I banned all plastic and paper products. The banned list would eventually become very long including, but not limited to, elevators, automatic doors, charcoal cooked food, perfect produce, and for a time, products from China. Even when I would visit my family on breaks, they would respectfully hide their plastic cups and plates and use regular ones. Then my senior year I took microbiology. If you have a family history of OCD, you really should avoid this class. They send you home with swabs to test things, and then bring them back to the lab to culture and use the microscopes to see what you find. I learned that hand towels are disgusting. I now allow myself one costco bag of paper towels per year. I die a little inside every time I use one, but some things just need to be cleaned with a paper towel!

The Emily in this pic would beat me up.

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