Sunday, April 15, 2012


Before my friends and family disown me, I will explain why I was at NASCAR yesterday. My PA class worked a concession stand at the race to raise money. I am the activity chair for my class which entails planning activities and fundraising for a big party at the end of school. I have been working on this event and dreading this day for weeks! I was very nervous about being the team lead and getting through it all with 30+ of my classmates but I really surprised myself and it turned out to be a pretty good day.

Before yesterday, you could not have paid me to go to NASCAR but it wasn't as bad as I thought. When the race started the noise level was unbelievable. I ran out to see and when all the race cars drove by, the stadium shook and the thousands of fan were on their feet screaming on top of all the noise of the cars. It was very exciting. Don't get me wrong, it got boring fast. But if you ever do get a chance to go, the first ten minutes will be worth it.

It was an incredibly long day. I was on my feet for thirteen hours and I have seven blisters to show for it. It gave me a huge appreciation for what Taylor does every day. He worked at NASCAR for eighteen hours, so I really can't feel too sorry for myself. I can better empathize with him and the hard work that he does. I have spent all of today just trying to recover. I can't find one muscle that doesn't hurt.

Before the race, I managed to sneak my way into the inner circle, through the car pit and into the VIP party to visit Taylor and grab some yummy sandwiches.

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