Monday, May 27, 2013


Taylor and I have a tradition of taking a trip every year, to celebrate our anniversary. I knew this year I wasn't going to be able to get away in May, during my surgery rotation. So after our time in Spain, we headed to the most romantic city in the world for a few days.

 Notre Dame is celebrating it's 850th anniversary this year. The cathedral received all new bells and hundreds of people gathered around to hear them for the first time. It was so beautiful, I was fighting back tears.

 Of course we had to add our own love lock to the bridge.

Taylor tossing the keys into the river.

Luxembourg Gardens

The Louvre

So happy my brother was visiting Paris with his study abroad class!

Found Moby and Bella's doppelgangers at this cemetery.

Sacre Coeur Basilica

Lighting a candle for my grammie.

Taylor always keeps me laughing.

More laughing.

Musee D'Orsay

The climb to our flat

Our view


I do have to say that as much as Taylor and I love traveling together, some of the most fun times we have are just making dinner together at home and renting a movie. I'm so looking forward to the next five years!

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