Sunday, February 10, 2013


I'm back!! I haven't had anytime for blogging lately due to a crazy month in school. I had 4 finals last week but I made it! The only breaks from studying I have taken, have been to train for my first 5k. I have to confess, that I had not run a mile since I was 16 and broke my back in a car accident. My friend asked if I wanted to join her in this race, and I decided it was time. I started training at the beginning of January and all my hard work paid off.  I know most people can just run a few miles, no problem, but after all my injuries, I'm ruling it a miracle.
I have never understood why people run races but it was surprisingly a lot fun. There were over 10,000 people at the Hot Chocolate race with tons of great energy and we had a wonderful time.

Just crossed the finish line.

I even managed to beat this stud :-)

Post race chocolate party.

So proud of this girl for running the 15k!!

I don't have plans for running longer races. Unfortunately my knee and back just can't take it. I need a sport with less impact on my degenerated disks. Looking forward to my next challenge...

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