Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bad News Dreams

I just received my "dream sheets" to fill out in PA school. In eight months I will be done with my didactic education and going into clinical rotations for a year. The rotations are mostly all laid out except for two extra specialties that you get to pick. On the dream sheet I have to decide my top three picks for these rotations. Sounds exciting right? Nope, you see all my life I have had this problem where I love and enjoy way more things than life will allow. Going into high school I loved to play tennis, piano, guitar, sing, run, etc. and everyone was always telling me that I have to chose. I hate having to chose. In college I loved to study English, psychology, music, environmental biology, and history. But I had to chose. Then when it came time to applying to medical school, I was taking an mcat prep course and then it hit me that soon I would have to decide what  I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I quickly realized that was not for me. I found out about the PA profession and it had a lot more flexibility. I could change specialties as much as I wanted and still have time for a life. But now they give me a dream sheet and expect to check a box. Well I don't have three dreams...I have hundreds. But I will choose three and I'm sure it will all work out fine. In high school I chose tennis, in college I chose environmental science and now I will chose again, but it will not be without stress and frustration.

Trying to fill out my dream sheet.

Cardiology? Rheumatology? Oncology? Neurology? Dermatology? Endocrinology? Pulmonology?
So many ologys.

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