Friday, June 13, 2014

The Dating Game

I have decided that job hunting is all too similar to dating. You have to get all dressed up and try to be impressive without seeming overly desperate. When you first meet, you are so nervous, you are stumbling over your words and trying to conceal all of the pooling sweat. It's no wonder my sister always tells me she hates going on first dates in the summer, it's just too damn hot! Then you go home and wait by the phone, wondering if they liked you, debating what you liked and dislike about them. They always take way too long to call you back, if they even bother calling you back. Granted, my last real first date was almost 8 years ago and completely wonderful. I have forgotten how awful dating can be. I am so grateful that I have finally accepted a job and am done interviewing. I am officially off the market! I took a psychiatry position at a counseling center in Arlington. I was somewhat surprised by my decision, psych wasn't initially what I had envisioned for myself. But after going to several interviews, it was the first time I could see myself looking forward to going to work every day. I sought advice from my sister when I was trying to decide between job offers and she sent me this poem called The Voice by Shel Silverstein:

There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you -- just listen to
The voice that speaks inside."

I am so excited for my new job and tomorrow we are headed to Thailand, for a nice long vacation before I join the work force. Au revoir!

I was only this excited for the first couple of interviews.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - Very well said Emily! I've had a lot of job interviews and I've also been fired my fair share of times. I've been on dates with women, I've been dropped just the same. Haha - a great comparison, and I completely agree. Have fun in Thailand! And if you happen to find yourself in Germany, you know where to find me.
