Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I have been waiting for this month for a very long time. This is the month I finally graduate PA school. I also get to celebrate my six year anniversary and my 26th birthday. I am also busy planning the graduation banquet for my class. Somehow with so much going on, I also thought it was a good idea to take my board exam this month. I thought I would be sitting on cloud 9 right about now but mostly I just feel stressed, terrified, anxious and panicked. I am currently in the middle of my final exams. I am also trying to find a job and look for a new place to live. Every night I am having night mares about failing my finals and/or my boards. And if I do manage to survive this month, I will actually start practicing medicine, which right now seems like a big joke. How can I possibly be ready? What if I kill someone? So I'm sending out an SOS. Any prayers, good thoughts, positive vibes or whatever else can help would be greatly appreciated

So happy on my last day of clinical rotations.

Trying to survive one of our 9 hour days of board review.

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