Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Where the Wild Things Are

I do not come from a camping family. The only "roughing it" we had growing up, was spending weekends at my grandmothers house on the farm. Which was actually more adventurous then it sounds. It was common to come across all sorts of snakes, insects and rodents in her house. There was even a wild raccoon that lived inside her couch, for a while. When I was 18, I finally went camping at the Grand Canyon. I will never forget when a giant elk came into our campsite. It was so beautiful and majestic. Most everyone was out hiking and that elk walked right up and was standing less than 10 feet from me. It was breathtaking. I have been to plenty of zoos growing up but there is something so much more magical about seeing wildlife in their own environment.

A few years ago Taylor and I went camping at Yosemite. The morning we left, we were driving out of the park and on the road was a mama bear walking with her two cubs. As soon as she saw our car, she stood up on her hind legs, gave us quite a scare and then ran off. We saw several bears that morning, another experience I will never forget.

This past Thanksgiving, when we were in New Orleans, I was very excited to take a tour of a swamp. We saw some gators, birds, turtles, snakes and it was really a beautiful place.

We went up the Pearl river and along some of the bayous.

 Did you know alligators love marshmallows?!

Can you see the turtle perched on the tree stump?

A blue heron and an egret.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I'm back!! I haven't had anytime for blogging lately due to a crazy month in school. I had 4 finals last week but I made it! The only breaks from studying I have taken, have been to train for my first 5k. I have to confess, that I had not run a mile since I was 16 and broke my back in a car accident. My friend asked if I wanted to join her in this race, and I decided it was time. I started training at the beginning of January and all my hard work paid off.  I know most people can just run a few miles, no problem, but after all my injuries, I'm ruling it a miracle.
I have never understood why people run races but it was surprisingly a lot fun. There were over 10,000 people at the Hot Chocolate race with tons of great energy and we had a wonderful time.

Just crossed the finish line.

I even managed to beat this stud :-)

Post race chocolate party.

So proud of this girl for running the 15k!!

I don't have plans for running longer races. Unfortunately my knee and back just can't take it. I need a sport with less impact on my degenerated disks. Looking forward to my next challenge...