Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Girls

Anyone that knows both my sister, Sarah and I, will tell you we are complete opposites. We are yin and yang.  Growing up, we never got along and were always butting heads. It wasn't until I was in college that we really started to become friends and now my sister is one of my best friends. Whenever I am struggling or unsure about what to do, I call her and she always has wise advice for me.  Whenever I am having a really bad day, I will call her and she will cheer me up or come rescue me. We still are very different, but I think we have learned to embrace and love it. One thing we do have in common is reading. I recently read a book she gave me called The Girls by Lori Lansens. (all of the books I read are recommended by Sarah) The story is about two sisters who are conjoined twins. Sincerely, it was one of the best books I have ever read. I gave it five stars on goodreads, and I have to say out of the 67 books I have rated, I have only given eight books 5 stars.  Read it, especially if you have a sister. Sarah and I recently started taking pictures of quotes we love while reading and then sending it to each other.  While I was reading The Girls, I sent her the following quote:

"Before she closed her eyes tonight, Rose said she regretted that she has not done something heroic in her life. Well, it's not like she can suddenly climb a tree and save a cat, or go to medical school and begin some important cancer research. But rose has been my sister. I think that's heroic."

Sarah responded with a picture showing that she had highlighted the same quote when she read the book.

Sarah is truly a heroic sister. 

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