Sunday, January 19, 2014


Taylor and I have both been way too busy. Taylor being swamped at work and I, in my clinical rotations. Imagine starting a brand new job, every month, for 13 months straight. Add in a lot of studying and tests and that is what it feels like to be in rotations. Every month I am in a new place, with new people and working in a different specialty. I spend the majority of my time feeling lost and incompetent. Just when i get the hang of things, figure out my way around the hospital and how to use the computer system, everything changes. So when Christmas break came around we jumped at the chance to escape with some friends to a warm beach for our first scuba diving trip.

We went scuba diving almost every day. The dive boat would pick us up on this pier in the morning and we had an incredible time seeing sharks, turtles, rays, lobsters, crabs and so many beautiful coral and fish. Taylor and I have both been bit by the scuba bug. We can't wait to go again!

My beach bum

On the dive boat

Every night we enjoyed the most spectacular sunsets

I couldn't resist some beach yoga.